Stories/news/notes Barth’s stories Catalogue of Günther Barth’s Art Activities (1970-2014) Becoming a skilled worrier Paradigm shifts in thinking and action Mindsinplay front page Imagination Once again revisiting individual differences Managing the ‘big’ problems in the life sciences Mind/brain science news (2014) Diary/log of questions, thoughts, ideas for further consideration More about memory Children learn about people early and often Valuation: What’s it worth to you? Comparing the minds of birds, bees, elephants and us Expertise: How do you learn to be a really good reader or a skilled surgeon? Project: Cognitive Neuroscience Systems: Applied mind/brain science (AMBS): Programs that enhance cognitive functions Preview of content in preparation and synopsis of recently posted articles What is new and not so new about stress? Bulletin: The brains of women and men are different Blood biomarkers are useful predictors of future cognitive impairments Learning alters the brain (cells) To exploit genome knowledge requires lots of money Towards a science of addiction: Issues, questions, future research directions How old are we as human beings or almost humans? More about marshmallows and willpower The mind masters rediscover the value of tools of the mind Psychotherapy: (yet another context and form of learning) Acquiring and losing our fears Recording experiences using our brains and computers The placebo effect is another opportunity to see how minds/brains work Tuning the brain so that it runs better You can’t start too early to learn language Sleep is good for you A little more about emotions and the brain Lose weight by acting thin Resilience: an overview and perspective The genetics of what makes us who we are When science is turned on its side and upside down Just playing around What accounts for poor impulse control in the presence of food in obese subjects? Project: The cognitive neuroscience foundations for maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle What can maps of brain activity tell us about the brain in action? (Parts 1 and 2) When panic takes over the world of finance? How do you prove that a retrovirus is linked to chronic fatigue syndrome? Pictures of the brain as an art form What can the coaches tell us from their catbird seat? Understanding mental illness by mapping mind-brain relationships What is new on the education front? What does it mean ‘to remember’ and what do cells know? What are emotions made of? Was the development of working memory a precursor to other mind developments? Can impaired visual and auditory enhance our sense of smell Making sense out of nonsense How do I decide what something is worth? (Part I) Do you want to compete in The U.S.A. Memory Championship? What should we know to understand how we make decisions? Is an addiction a powerful form of memory? What is a brain disease? Social networks are powerful What part of what I remember actually happened and where did what I made up come from? What do we mean by personality? Making and using lists How do people change and what does it take to have that happen? Why use the term mind/brain science instead of mind science, or psychology, or brain science or neuroscience? More about brain plasticity How can we improve educational opportunities in children? Teaching a full complement of executive functions and skills How does the quality of sleep impact cognition? The pain of rejected love What can maps of brain activity tell us about the neural basis of love? Why invest in the lives of disadvantaged children Flehingen project What is a cognitive enhancing drug? I am fat and addicted to fattening foods I can’t resist sweet snacks Can brain slices tell us about why someone like Einstein was so smart and creative? How do we find out what does and doesn’t work in education? What does it mean that the chair is empty ? Is psychiatry marketable in a real world economy? Can mind-brain science be of value in understanding spirituality ? How do you teach kids self-control? The emperor in charge of education is naked How do you erase a memory? Can you train executive function in young children in the preschooler classroom? How do experts see more and faster than the rest of us? How do you implant ideas that will replace defective knowledge and thereby change how you think? How far have human minds evolved and is it far enough? What is the utility of social networks? When is a small rock like a big apple? How do we change the education culture? What should children learn in school? Finding value in the knowledge generated from life science research How do you become an expert crook? The life of memories across time and place Is good advice really all that helpful? What is epigenetics and why is it as important as our genes in defining what will happen to us? Looking good is more important than feeling good What do large and small numbers mean to me? Is there room for spirituality in understanding mind-brain relationships?