Mind/brain science in words and pictures
Please note: I am working on a book based on many of the postings on this website and much more. The name of the book is Mind/brain science (a sketchbook).
I have therefore decided to suspend posting new mind/brain science postings. I would plan to start adding new material to the site in the very near future.
The web address for the book is
“Our minds are a playground far more compelling and engaging than the most expensive toys and computer games.” G. Barth, 1998.
The physical sciences provides us with the tools to explain the properties of all sorts of material like glass, metals, concrete, cement, wood, plastics. It is possible to understand why some materials are flexible, or strong, or transparent or hard, or super thin based on infrastructures like how atoms line up or crystal structures.
Similarly, mind/brain science provides us with some of the tools that allow us to explore and explain who we are, how we have evolved, our capabilities and limitations our responses to the world around us, the complex interplay of our genetics and life experiences. This website provides snapshots, stories, research reports, ideas, notes, and musings about our brains in action. Also included in this personal science journal and diary are ongoing projects and collaborations with mind/brain scientists. While mind/brain science is of interest to many of us the application of what we have learned about how we function can be useful as applied to facets of our lives and is also the subject of many of the postings on this site.
No story or project is ever complete. New research knowledge will be added to existing posts.
All postings are accessible by activating the buttons on the banner of the site. The most recent postings are listed to the right of this web page. Recent postings also include my log and diary and a preview of upcoming postings along with a synopsis of recently posted stories.
The website content includes; fiction stories; news clips of recent science findings, short and long science reports and projects. More details about the varieties of content can be seen on the ‘about’ page of the website.
You can search for any website content using the search button much like the find command on your computer word processor. Enter a key word that you are interested and you will find content that is pertinent.
To learn more about the site’s structure and content click on the about button.
I need your help. I am generally ‘in the dark’ when it comes to having a sense of how well this website works. It takes a good time and effort to keep this website alive and updated with new material.
Please note this website is a work in progress and therefore undergoes constant reversion. So…Please share your thoughts, reactions, critique of the website content. I will of course ‘listen’ and value what you have to say. Please use the email address mindsinresponse@gmail.com for your comments.