Bulletin: The brains of women and men are different

Bulletin: The brains of women and men are different


Oh really. The man, and woman in the ‘street’ knows that so what is the new news? On top of that there have been loads of research studies of the minds/brains of males and females demonstrating what everyone seems to know. Men and women think differently, respond differently and their brain architecture is different. So, here we go with another study. The punch line of the study is that men’s brains contain stronger front-to-rear (brain) connections while those of women are better connected from left to right hemisphere. The consequences of these differences are consistent with what seems to be the case and that is that women’s brains are more designed to promote more socialization and memory while men’s brain wiring is more responsible for more effective perception and coordinated action (control of the motor skills). The detailed results of this research are reported in the December 2, 2013 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (the article is by Ragini Verma and colleagues. To establish their results they scanned the brains of more than 400 males and more than 500 females from 8 to 22 years old and found distinct differences in the brains of male versus female subjects older than age 13.

Incidentally the differences in brain wiring in adults are in stark contrast in those under 14.


But there is more to the picture of gender difference and more will follow along with lots of nonsense that is disguised as truth.

There is a huge but sometimes flakey literature that seems to demonstrate the girls outperform boys in the classroom and that some of these ‘superior’ cognitive skills persist well into adulthood. If that really is not just a subculture anomaly then maybe women should be preferred as decision makers in all sorts of setting and in addition deserve higher pay then men.

In addition girls can sit still and attend more effectively than fidgety boys who are also the ones who are likely to walk or run away with the diagnosis of ADD or ADHD.

We can generate one hell of a list of brain-gender differences. One more bitty….women generally don’t rape men, do they do? No doubt lots of reasons including size and strength….but what about desire?

So….what is it about the brains of women that dissimilar from male counter parts?

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